Terms & Conditions
Sleeping Beauties Pty Ltd
Terms & Conditions
for Restoration & Other Work
As Owner you leave your vehicle (and any parts) at our business premises at your risk.
We regard your vehicle as a special classic, vintage, veteran or rare vehicle and take pride in all we do to restore or complete other
work on your vehicle to the highest level possible to your requirements.
We may decline a request to undertake restoration work on a vehicle we consider is too deteriorated and/or not a good candidate as
restoration costs are likely to exceed any real or sentimental value.
We discuss your initial deposit and terms of payment when we accept your vehicle for restoration or other work and we require
your funds in credit for purchase of all parts.
We discuss your concerns & queries and provide updates on restoration and work on your vehicle.
You must inform us as soon as possible if your restoration requirements or financial circumstances change at any time.
You must insure your vehicle
When we accept your vehicle for restoration or other work you are responsible to keep your vehicle and parts appropriately insured
whilst at our business premises.
Your insurance must include cover for us to conduct test driving of your vehicle at our premises and on public roads and any other
places at various times as deemed necessary by us during the restoration process.
We do not provide any insurance cover or insure your vehicle or parts or accept liability for any damage or loss to your vehicle or
parts whilst at our premises or under our control.
We provide estimates NOT quotes
We do not provide fixed cost quotations for restoration or other work on vehicles.
We do provide an initial written estimate of work required and potential costs to complete that work with estimated time frames and
we provide updated estimates for costs and time as required. We recommend invoices are paid prompt to avoid delays on estimated time frames.
We may provide updated written estimates of work required and potential costs and time frames to complete work as necessary
during the restoration process due to many variables including progressive exposure of hidden corrosion or other damage or issues
and increases in costs for parts and/or labour, components, shipping and unexpected mechanical issues plus other factors not obvious
or discovered at initial inspection of your vehicle.
Our invoices
We render invoices when all or part of panel or paint or mechanical or other work or a process is completed or at regular intervals on
completion of steps in the restoration project. You are responsible for the cost of freight of your vehicle to and from our premises.
Our invoices specify work done and parts provided and generally have information and photographs showing various stages of restoration.
Our invoices specify our charges for labour, parts, freight and other charges including GST. Costs for Labour and Parts etc
Parts for your vehicle may be rare and difficult to locate and may not be available in Australia and must be sourced overseas at
additional freight/delivery costs and are subject to overseas currency increases &fluctuations. We investigate and take steps to obtain
the best parts for your vehicle at the best price. All freight and delivery charges for vehicle parts whatsoever are payable by you.
Our labour and parts charges are subject to change without notice however we will provide notice to you whenever possible taking
into account that charges can be subject to outside influences and fluctuations in world markets.
All parts supplied remain the property of SB until full payment of those invoiced parts.
Failure to pay on time
SB invoices are to be paid in full within seven (14) days. Failure to pay on time means work on your vehicle will cease until full
payment of invoiced work and in that event we reserve the right to also promptly invoice and require payment of all unbilled work.
We reserve the right to charge interest on overdue invoices at the rate of 3% over the Commonwealth Bank overdraft rate at that time.
If any invoice is outstanding for more than three (3) months we will store your vehicle at our premises at your cost at such charge as
is reasonable having regard to the floor space required, a standard size vehicle has an estimaited space value of $100 per day charge. If your invoice is not paid in full within a further three (3) months without
prior agreement with us then we withdraw our agreement to work on your vehicle and we have the right to remove such parts as we
decide and to store your vehicle outside in our yard at such storage cost as we deem reasonable for a further period of three (3)
months after which your vehicle will be removed from our premises and stored off site at your cost until full payment is made and
then SB can release your vehicle to you.
You indemify us in regard to any loss or damage
We are not liable for any loss or damage to any vehicle stored in the yard at (or outside) our premises.We are not be liable for any
loss or damage caused to any part of your vehicle due to any goods or parts or products fitted to your vehicle by us or any other party.
We are not liable for any mechanical issues during or after your vehicle restoration as we undertake all mechanical work to a high
standard and vintage and classic and other vehicles being restored or worked on are inherently old and some parts are subject to
unexpected failure or other issues however we will undertake all necessary work to the highest standard possible with regard to your
specific restoration or work requirements and your budget for each restoration project.
Any conditions, warranties, representations, liabilities and obligations whether implied or imposed by Statute or otherwise in respect
of the supply of labour or parts or other goods including any conditions or warranties as to merchantability or fitness for purpose or
correspondence with description are hereby excluded so far as is acceptable by law and only those contained in these Terms and
Conditions shall apply.
All and any liability for loss or damage whilst your vehicle is at our premises or under our control during a test drive or arising in any
other manner whatsoever is excluded.
If any conditions or any part hereof shall be held by any Court to be unenforceable or invalid or ineffectual it shall not affect the
validity of the rest of these Terms and Conditions.
These terms and conditions are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Queensland and the parties herein agree to submit
themselves to that jurisdiction and are bound to decisions thereto.